Keller High School Indian Band Boosters get 15% back on Monday, August 5 when you mention them with your order at ANY i Fratelli location.

Your purchase at any of our 11 locations on Monday, July 29 can go towards funding First United Methodist Church Grapevine’s missions locally and around the world. Just mention FUMC with your order and they’ll receive 15% back to continue their good works.
The World Service Fund truly demonstrates the Mission of the United Methodist Church by supporting specific local church work with children, youth, students, persons who are mentally and physically challenged, adults and older persons; and providing leadership and coordination for denominational ministry with youth.
The Villages is an initiative to help our children and youth gain a global perspective and change lives in individual villages in Kenya, Costa Rica and right here in Grapevine.
Weekend Food is a program which provides children, who are on free lunch during the school week, a bag of supplemental food for the weekend. We provide lightweight, individually wrapped items that the children can prepare themselves.
DoughNation funds will also support The Well, a revitalizing ministry for women, and Youth Missions at home and abroad.
Enjoy i Fratelli on MONDAY JULY 15 and mention the DFW Tzus and More Rescue Group. When you do, they’ll receive 15% back! Applies for lunch or dinner at any of our 11 locations. See for menu, locations, and phone numbers.
DFW Tzus & More Rescue is a charitable, 501(c)3 nonprofit rescue and foster care organization based in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex whose ultimate mission and duty is to match homeless Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apsos, and their furry friends with their ideal, loving, forever home, and give these homeless animals a second chance at a wonderful, new life that they so richly deserve. By working closely with local animal shelters, we hope to prevent the senseless euthanasia of these unfortunate stray or abandoned pets, which have ended up in shelters through no fault of their own.
Say “Camp Sweeney” on Monday, July 8 when you dine at any of our 11 i Fratelli locations. When you do, they will receive 15% back for youth camper scholarships.
Camp Sweeney is a non-profit camp for kids with Type 1 Diabetes. Each year, we serve approximately 850 campers, many of whom do not have the resources to pay for the $3,000.00 tuition for one three week camp session. These funds would go towards camper scholarships, and nothing else.
When a child is diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, his or her life is changed forever. Insulin injections, pump site changes, blood-sugar tests, and a diet plan become a part of the daily routine for a child with diabetes. Unfortunately, while many children know what is necessary to stay in good control of their condition, they find it hard to live the kind of regimented lifestyle which will allow them to live long and healthy lives.
At Camp Sweeney, we believe that simply teaching children about diabetes is just not enough. Our goal is that every child who attends our camp will not only learn about his or her condition, but will find the inner strength each day to do what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle.