Pizza patrons who place an order on Monday, March 12 from their neighborhood i Fratelli and mention the organization of the week will help that organization receive 15% of the purchase total.
Valley Ranch and Las Colinas
Boy Scout Troop 175 of Irving
Troop 175, Irving’s oldest Boy Scout troop, is celebrating our 50th anniversary this year. We are raising funds to buy a new trailer and camping supplies so our scouts can continue to enjoy the outdoor adventures that make scouting great!
Flower Mound
Marcus Color Guard
Marcus Color Guard is part of the State Champion Marcus Marching Band. We are raising funds for our April trip to Winter Guard International to compete there for the first time in five years.
Coppell Lacrosse Association
DoughNation funds will support recruitment and training of new players, payment of tournament fees, referee fees, and field usage fees.
Uptown and Park Cities
Friends of the Bath House Cultural Center at White Rock Lake

The Friends are raising funds for renovations and improvements to the Bath House Cultural Center at White Rock Lake, a landmark Art Deco building. The BHCC is a neighborhood cultural center which celebrates the diversity of local theater companies and artists. The Bath House serves children, seniors, and the community at large. Built in 1930, the BHCC is in need of upgrades and renovation. Help us preserve this valuable historic asset to White Rock Lake and the City of Dallas.